About Us

Our Story

How we Started

We are unapologetically conservative. We do not bend to the will of fragile minds. It is our goal to bring back common sense to America through apparel design that prompts people to ask questions.

Our Roots

Our friend group is composed of Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. One day we were all gathered around watching youtube videos of street interviewers asking random people very basic questions about the United States of America.

Questions like: “Where is the capital of America”, “What do the 50 stars represent”, “How many states are there in America”. Some of us are parents and the responses to these questions are simply terrifying. We asked our gen Z friends if they knew the answers, half out of fun, but also because we were truly concerned with what the school systems are actually teaching kids today.

Our Foundation

It goes back to the theory that it is easier to control those who do not know they are being controlled. At the very fundamentals, the school systems are failing us and our children to make them easier to control. When schools are more concerned with teaching about gender versus educating them on facts, math, and science we have a serious problem. This is when we decided it was time to do something.

This prompted us into action. Instead of being another person who stands by idly, why not do something? It’s time to be heard. There is too much concern over hurting each other's feelings and not enough over preserving our freedoms or hearing basic truths. Thus Just Raised Right was born in hopes of prompting parents to preserve common sense in the generations to come.

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